


映像が暗すぎる場合、カメラをお使いの環境が、カメラに使用するのに十分な明るさを確保できているかご確認ください。もし、ご使用の環境の明るさが十分で、カメラからの映像が暗い場合、弊社ソフトウェアInnex Cameraを使用して画質設定のリセットをおこなうか、明るさの調整をおこなってください。ソフトウェアはfuntechinnovation.com/ja/downloads/よりダウンロード可能です。

露出型になっている場合、カメラが直接強い光が当たる状態になっていないかご確認ください。例えば、窓や天井のライト、デスクランプからの光が直接カメラに当たっている状態になると、カメラが露出過多になる場合がございます。もし、こられ強い光が直接当たる環境ではなく、露出過多になっている場合、弊社ソフトウェアInnex Cameraを使用して画質設定のリセットを行うか、明るさの調整をおこなってください。ソフトウェアはfuntechinnovation.com/ja/downloads/よりダウンロード可能です。

カメラからの映像が上記の理由以外で明らかに正常ではない場合、弊社ソフトウェアInnex Cameraを使用して画質設定のリセットをおこなってください。また、最新のファームウェアにカメラが更新されているかも併せてご確認ください。ソフトウェアはfuntechinnovation.com/ja/downloads/よりダウンロード可能です。


ZoomやTeams、Google Meet、Webexなどのテレビ会議用ソフトウェアは現状720Pまでの解像度にのみ対応しております。

テレビ会議における映像のスムーズさは、ネットワークのバンド帯、インターネットの接続性、コンピューターの使用状況などさまざまな要因により変化します。カメラが映像が途切れる原因かどうかを切り分けるためには、テレビ会議以外のインターネットを使用しないソフトウェアでテストされることをお勧めいたします。例えばWindows 10をお使いの場合、Windowsに標準搭載のアプリケーションWindows Cameraでテストを行うことが可能です。Mac OSの場合、Quicktimeをご使用いただけます。正確に映像の品質を確認する場合、確認用に録画を行うことをお勧めいたします。

お住まいの地域によって電源周波数帯が50Hzと60Hzで異なります。弊社ソフトウェアInnex Cameraを使用してカメラの周波数を電源周波数帯と併せてください。ソフトウェアはfuntechinnovation.com/ja/downloads/よりダウンロード可能です。

C220- 0.6m
C470- 1m
C830- 1m



1. 音声の干渉を防ぐためカメラ内蔵のマイクをスピーカーから離して設置してください。
2. カメラ内蔵のマイクをファイルキャビネットなど金属製で反射性のある表面から離して設置してください。
3. その他マイクもスピーカーから離してください。
4. 使用しないときにはマイクをミュートしてください。


1. C220- 無指向性マイク2個 集音範囲4m
2. C470- 無指向性マイク2個 集音範囲4m(最大8m)
3. C830- 無指向性マイク2個 集音範囲4m(最大8m)


テレビ会議時に、カメラの名称が表示されているにも関わらず、カメラからの映像が表示されない場合、カメラが同時に例えば、他のテレビ会議ソフトウェア、カメラ設定ツール、OBSなどのストリーミングソフトウェアなどの他のソフトウェアに使用されている可能性があります。カメラを使用している可能性のあるソフトウェアを閉じてください。例えば、Zoomで使用する際に、Microsoft Teamsがカメラを使用していてカメラがZoomで使用できないなどといったことが発生することがあります。


USB2.0- 最大ケーブル長 5m
USB3.0/3.1 Gen 1- 最大ケーブル長 2m
USB3.1 Gen 2- 最大ケーブル長 1m


1. カメラ本体、付属のスタンドおよびケーブルをボックスから取り出します。
2. 付属のスタンドをを取り付けてInnex Cubeをデスクに設置してください。
3. ケーブルのUSB Type-C側をカメラ本体に接続します。きちんと奥まで接続されていることをご確認ください。
4. ケーブルのUSB Type-A側をパソコンのUSBポートに接続します。きちんと奥まで接続されていることをご確認ください。
5. カメラ上部に印刷されている矢印をミーティングスペースの前面に合わせてカメラを設置します。
6. テレビ会議のソフトウェア(Zoom、Microsoft Teams、Google Meet、Cisco Webexなど)またはカメラアプリ(Windowsカメラ、Mac QuickTimeなど)を起動し、カメラからの映像にアクセスしてください。
7. カメラ本体のModeボタンを長押しするか、リモコンのAIボタンまたはマニュアルボタンにより、AIモードとマニュアルモードの切り替えを行うことができます。
8. カメラ本体のModeボタンを短く押す、または、リモコンの切り替えボタンを押すとAIモードまたはマニュアルモード内でモードが切り替わります。
“AI モード:自動顔追尾/ 自動フレーミング/ ステージモード

Innex Cubeは付属のスタンドのみではなく、市販の三脚などにも設置して使用することが可能です。


  • USBケーブルがパソコンやカメラにきちんと接続されていてパソコンおよびカメラに正しく接続されているかご確認ください。
  • パソコンのUSBポートを変更してみてください。Innex Cubeは500mA以上の電流を必要とするため、USBハブを通しての接続や、USB2.0では十分な電力が供給されない場合があります。USBハブなどを使用せず、直接USB3.0ポートに接続してみてください。
  • パソコンを変えて、認識されるか試してみてください。



Innex CubeはAI機能を使用するのに追加のソフトウェアやアプリは必要ありません。

例えばミーティングルームのドアが解放されていて、通行人をInnex Cubeが追尾してしまう場合など、ドア部分をAIが認識しないようにブロックゾーンを設定することができます。




Innex cubeは弊社ソフトウェアInnex Studioを使用してファームウェアを更新することが可能です。


1. 次のリンクよりInnex Studioをダウンロードして、インストールを行なってください。
mac OSバージョン

2. Innex Cubeをパソコンに接続し、Innex Studioを起動してください。その際、パソコンがインターネットに接続され、Cubeがテレビ会議ソフトウェアなど、他のソフトウェアで使用されていないことを確認してください。

3. Innex Cubeに利用可能なファームウェアアップデートがある場合、「利用可能なファームウェアのアップデートがあります」と表示されます。「今すぐアップデート」をクリックしてください。

4. ファームウェアの更新がはじまり、ステータスバーが表示されます。ステータスバーが100%になり、ファームウェアの更新が完了するまでお待ちください。

5. アップデートが完了すると「Update completed! Please replug the device」と表示されます。「OK」をクリックして、Innex Cubeのケーブルの抜き差しを行なってください。




1. カメラ本体および付属のケーブルをボックスから取り出します。
2. ケーブルのUSB Type-C側をカメラ本体に接続します。きちんと奥まで接続されていることをご確認ください。
3. ケーブルのUSB Type-A側をパソコンのUSBポートに接続します。きちんと奥まで接続されていることをご確認ください。
4. クリップマウントや三脚を使用して、カメラをディスプレイやモニター、デスクに設置してください。
5. 角度の調整を行なってください。
6. テレビ会議のソフトウェア(Zoom、Microsoft Teams、Google Meet、Cisco Webexなど)またはカメラアプリ(Windowsカメラ、Mac QuickTimeなど)を起動し、カメラからの映像にアクセスしてください。
7. 必要に応じて、カメラの上部のボタンをタップして視野角の切り替えを行なってください。180°/150°/120°/90°/75°に順に切り替わります。
8. 必要に応じて、同ボタンを長押しすることにより、パノラマ映像の左右へのパン操作を行うことが出来ます。(視野角が150°/120°/90°/75°のいずれかに選択されている場合)


  • USBケーブルがパソコンおよびカメラに正しく接続されているかご確認ください。
  • パソコンのUSBポートを変更してみてください。C830は500mA以上の電流を必要とするため、USB2.0では十分な電力が供給されない場合があります。USB3.0ポートに接続してみてください。
  • パソコンを変えてみてください。


はい。C830の全てのAI機能を使用するためにはInnex Studioが必要です。このソフトウェアは次のリンクからダウンロード可能です。funtechinnovation.com/ja/downloads/
Innex StudioはC830専用のソフトウェアです。最大8人までの同時顔追尾機能、オートフレーム、ホワイトボードスタジオモードなどのAI機能を備えております。また、このソフトウェアはC830のファームウェアアップデートにも使用いたします。Windows版、Mac版を次のリンクからダウンロード可能です。funtechinnovation.com/ja/downloads/

テレビ会議時にInnex Studioを開いたままにし、テレビ会議のカメラの選択でInnex C830ではなく、”Studio Camera” を選択してください。

使用したいモードにInnex Studioで設定すると、同じ画面がテレビ会議のカメラとし投影されます。



1. カメラ本体および付属のケーブルをボックスから取り出します。
2. ケーブルのUSB Type-C側をカメラ本体に接続します。きちんと奥まで接続されていることをご確認ください。
3. ケーブルのUSB Type-A側をパソコンのUSBポートに接続します。きちんと奥まで接続されていることをご確認ください。
4. クリップマウントや三脚を使用して、カメラをディスプレイやモニター、デスクに設置してください。
5. マウントを動かしてカメラの角度の調整を行なってください。
6. テレビ会議のソフトウェア(Zoom、Microsoft Teams、Google Meet、Cisco Webexなど)またはカメラアプリ(Windowsカメラ、Mac QuickTimeなど)を起動し、カメラからの映像にアクセスしてください。


  • USBケーブルがパソコンおよびカメラに正しく接続されているかご確認ください。
  • パソコンのUSBポートを変更してみてください。
  • パソコンを変えてみてください。






1. 下記のリンクから最新のファームウェアをダウンロードしてください。

2. ダウンロードしたZipファイルを解凍してください。


4. “FicCameraUpdateSSTAR Vxxx.exe”をダブルクリックしてアップデートツールを起動してください。

5. プルダウンリストから “innex C570 VID_3429&PID_0004” を選択してください。

6. “update”をクリックしてください。

7. “Firmware”アップデートをクリックすると、アップデートを開始します。

8. “reset”が一番下に表示されたらファームウェアのアップデートは完了となります。






Getting Started

1. Remove the camera and the bundled USB cable from the box.
2. Plug in the type-C end of the bundled USB cable to the camera, make sure it’s plugged in tightly.
3. Plug in the type-A end of the bundled USB cable to the computer, make sure it’s plugged in tightly.
4. Mount the camera onto a display or monitor using clip mount or tripod mount.
5. Adjust the camera shooting position by adjusting the swivel mount.
6. Turn on a video conferencing app (Zoom, MicroSoft Teams, Google Meet, Cisco Webex, etc) or a camera app (Windows Camera, Mac QuickTime) to power up and access the camera video.

Innex C470 is indeed producing images and video at 4k resolution. If you open a camera app such as Windows Camera in Windows 10, you can see that the highest available resolution is 3840*2160. You may feel otherwise due to the following reason:

  1. C470 has a wide angle lens of 120-degree which means the 4k resolution is covering a much larger area than the average camera which is around 78-degree. Compared to a 1080P cam with narrow lens FoV at 78-90 degree, C470 may not produce a significant increase of clarity due its 4k resolution density being diluted by a larger area covered. On the other hand, the 120 degree wide angle lens provides advantages such as wider crowd capture, or freedom of movement within the scene.

  2. Display monitor resolution is less than 4k. The picture clarity of a 4k image is not visible on a 1080p display.

  3. Insufficient lighting in the scene which can create noises on the image which may cause clarity loss.

  4. Remove fingerprints, dirts from the camera lenses.


  • Please check if the USB A, and USB C end is securely plugged into the computer and camera.
  • Try a different USB port on the computer.
  • Try a different computer.

AI Feature/ Software/ Firmware

Auto-framing of C470 is designed to work on subject that is at an optimal range of 1-5M(3.2-16.4ft) from the camera. When only 1 person appears in the shot at a close range (within 1 meter), the auto-framing will be less stable than how it would normally be.

Potential disturbance in the background may also interfere – people walking by, heads seen through glass, or faces seen from reflection of the meeting room display can all make auto-framing seem unstable. If it is not possible to avoid the above mentioned disturbances, it might be better to disable auto-framing. Please check the video (01’28”) to learn how to disable auto-framing.  

Software download https://funtechinnovation.com/downloads/

You may disable or enable the auto-framing using the Innex Camera software https://funtechinnovation.com/downloads/
Turn on the software and plug in the C470 camera into your computer. Go to the video tab -> Click on auto-framing -> Close and open the auto-framing button to disable or enable auto-framing. Please check the video (01’28) to disable auto-framing. 

If it’s better to disable auto-framing in your environment, yet the 120° view angle is too wide, you can manually set the desired field of view (FOV) and region of interest (ROI) by adjusting with digital pan-tilt-zoom (EPTZ) that is available in Innex Camera (VAP Studio).  Check under FAQ ->Innex ->Innex Camera->How do I use the digital pan tilt zoom ( EPTZ) feature?  

Please use Innex Camera (VAP Studio) to update C470 to the newest firmware version which is listed at C470 download section.  https://funtechinnovation.com/downloads/ 

To perform a firmware update, please follow the following steps:

  1. Connect your C470 to your computer.
  2. Start VAP-Studio by clicking VAP-Studio Icon.
  3. Check the current FW version of your C470 under the information tab.
  4.   If FW update is required, click the update tab, and click local update, and select the newest firmware version (.bin) from the folder it was downloaded to.  The update process will start and C470 will restart after the firmware update.

Yes, the auto-framing works on faces with masks.

The auto-framing zoom in ratio depends on its output resolution. The zoom in ratio is 3X if the resolution is equal to or below 720p, or 2X if the resolution is equal to or above 1080p. Most video conference software will request the camera to output video resolution at 720p or below so it is likely that the zoom in ratio will be 3X during video conference.

No, unlike many other camera models that boasted auto-framing, the Innex C470 has the AI based auto-framing feature built-in camera.

Getting Started

1. Remove the camera and the bundled USB cable from the box.
2. Plug in the type-A end of the bundled USB cable to the computer, make sure it’s plugged in tightly.
3. Mount the camera onto laptop or monitor using clip mount.
4. Adjust tilt by slightly adjusting the camera clip angle.
5. Turn on a video conferencing app (Zoom, MicroSoft Teams, Google Meet, Cisco Webex) or a camera app (Windows Camera, Mac QuickTime) to power up and access the camera video.
6. Slide the privacy cover to the left to cover the lens or to the right to reveal the lens.


  • Please check if the USB A is securely plugged into the computer.
  • Try a different USB port on the computer.
  • Try a different computer.

Software & Firmware

  1. Go to C220 download section on  https://funtechinnovation.com/downloads/ to download the Innex Camera (VAP Studio).  
  2. Connect your C220 to your computer.
  3. Start VAP Studio by clicking VAP Studio Icon.
  4. Click the update tab (1), and click online update (2), then click update now (3).

Please note that the status indicated as “Driver is unavailable” does not mean there is any issue with C220’s audio.

If your C220 has firmware prior to the 2021 Sept. 27th release, it might be shown as “Driver is unavailable” in Audio under Bluetooth & other devices setting.   Simply update C220 with firmware released on or later than 2021 Sept. 27th to get rid of this status. 

Innex Camera is a camera setting software that handles camera firmware update, image setting, EPTZ and auto-framing setting. It works with Innex C220 and C470. Innex Camera is available for both Windows and Mac – it can be downloaded at https://funtechinnovation.com/software/innex-camera-vap-studio/

  • Please update your VAP Studio to the latest version to fix this issue. 
  • If you are using Windows computer, please download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 x64) from the link here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170

    and run the VAP Studio software again. Our software is created using Microsoft Visual Studio, so it must be installed in your computer in order to run VAP Studio properly.

  • If you still experience the same problem after updating to a version released on or later than 2021 Sep. 27th, please contact technical support by leaving us a message  https://funtechinnovation.com/faq/

To adjust image quality for C470 and C220 to better match your environment and preference, you can download and use the Innex Camera (VAP Studio) https://funtechinnovation.com/downloads/

  1. Connect your camera to your computer.
  2. Start VAP Studio by clicking on the VAP Studio icon.
  3. Click the video tab (1), (2) Click on Image and adjust each value by adjusting the slider.  (3)  If a reset is required, simply click on  reset to reset the value to default(4).
  4. The image setting adjustment will be saved into the camera and the camera will retain the adjustment even after it’s disconnected from the pc.

To adjust camera FOV (field of view) and ROI (region of interest) for to better match your environment and preference, you can download and use the Innex Camera (VAP Studio) at https://funtechinnovation.com/downloads/

(Please note that this feature is currently available only with C470)

  1. Connect your camera to your computer.
  2. Start VAP Studio by clicking on the VAP Studio icon.
  3. Disable auto-framing: (1) Click the video tab, (2) Click on Auto Framing tab, (3) Click on auto-framing button so it is slid  to the left. 
  4. Adjust with EPTZ: (1) Click on Video, (2) Click on Digital Zoom, (3) Zoom in/out using the plus and minus icon, (4) Pan and tilt using the direction control, (5) Reset to default position (if necessary), (6) Take a photo to validate current FOV and ROI (if necessary),  (7) Open folder location to access the photo (if necessary).
  5. The camera remembers your preferences after reboot so you only need to set it once.

Mac might block the software that is not from the APP Store. Please follow below steps to launch the software

1.  Go to System & Preference – Security & Privacy

2. (1) Click General (2) Click the lock to make changes (3) Select App Store and identified developers. And leave this window first.

3. Launch the VAP Studio. You’ll see the same pop-up message. Then click (1)”Open Anyway”, (2) Open.





  • 高解像度で画像を映し出すためには、ご使用のパソコンのオペレーションシシテムおよびアプリケーションも高解像度に対応している必要があります。また、4K画質での表示には4K解像度に対応したモニターも必要となります。

  • ZoomやTeams、Google Meet、Webexなどのテレビ会議用ソフトウェアは現状720Pまでの解像度にのみ対応しております。

  • USBケーブルがDC400本体とパソコンに正しく接続されているかご確認ください。
  • パソコンのUSBポートを変更してみてください。
  1. Webカメラからの映像を選択してください。2. 「画面の共有」をクリックします。
    3. 「詳細」タブをクリックし、「第2カメラのコンテンツ」を選択します。4. 複数のカメラが接続されている場合、「カメラの切り替え」をクリックして映像のソースを切り替えます。

通常、Google MeetやZoom、Microsoft Teams、WebExなどにおいて、投影者が見るプレビュー画面では画面が反転していますが、リモートの参加者が見る映像は反転していません。



1. Ideao VisualCamを次のリンクよりダウンロードします。https://funtechinnovation.com/ja/software/ideao-visualcam/

2. ソフトウェアを起動し、DC400を選択します。

3. テレビ会議時に「画面の共有」(お使いのテレビ会議用ソフトウェアにより名称は異なります。)を行い、Ideao VisualCamの画面を共有します。

4. ソフトウェア上で画面の反転、ミラー、回転、手書き入力などを自由自在に行うことが出来ます。

Google Meet: (チュートリアルを見る)

1. 「VideoMirror」などのGoogle Chromeの拡張機能を使用して映像をミラーリングすることが出来ます。


2. Google Meetでのテレビ会議を開始したらIdeao DC400を選択し、拡張機能のアイコンをクリックすると、画面がミラーリングします。



1. Zoomの「ビデオ設定」を開きます。
2. 「マイビデオをミラーリングします」にチェックマークを入れます。

ほとんどのテレビ会議ソフトウェアではWebカメラとマイクは別々に選択する必要があります。Ideao DC400がWebカメラとして選択されていても、マイクとして選択されていない可能性があります。例えばZoomでは画面の左下にオーディオに関する設定のためのアイコンがありますので、それをクリックしてIdeao DC400がマイクとして選択されているかご確認ください。


Windows PCの場合:

1. カメラアプリの設定を開き、「プロモード」をオンにします。

2. DC400が選択されている場合、Autoと書かれた丸いアイコンが表示されています。アイコンをクリックすると右側にスライダーが表示されます。スライダーを上にドラッグするとアイコンがAutoからM(マニュアル)に変わります。

3. DC400の本体上のAFボタンでフォーカスを合わせます。
4. 一度フォーカスを合わせて、フォーカスが固定されます。対象物の位置などが変わってピントがずれた場合、再度本体のボタンを押してフォーカスを合わせてください。
5. 再び常にオートフォーカスを起動させたい場合、スライダーを一番下に合わせます。(アイコンがAutoに変わります。)

1. 以下のリンクからAMCapをダウンロードしてインストールします。https://amcap.en.softonic.com/download
2. Ideao DC400を接続してソフトウェアを起動します。

3. Ideao DC400をDevice(カメラリスト)より選択します。
4. Option(オプション)タブからVideo Device(ビデオデバイス)→Property(プロパティー)を選択します。
5. Camera Control(カメラコントロール)のタブを開きます。
6. Focus(フォーカス)のAuto部分のチェックマークを解除しApply(適用)を押します。
7. チェックマークを解除しても、ソフトウェアにカメラからの画像を投影開始した際には一度フォーカスを合わせます。これは正常な動作です。対象物の位置などが変わってピントがずれた場合、再度本体のボタンを押してフォーカスを合わせてください。

Webcam Settingを使用: 3rdパーティー製のソフトウェア「Webcam Setting」を使用してオートフォーカスの設定を変更することも可能です。App Storeで”Webcam Setting”を検索、または下記のリンクからアプリをダウンロードしてインストールを行なってください。https://apps.apple.com/app/webcam-setting/id1610840452?mt=12

1. Ideao DC400を接続し、Webcam Settingの「Camera」でIdeao DC400選択してください。
2. 「Advanced」のタブをクリックします。
3. 「Auto Focus」のチェックマークを外します。
4. チェックマークを解除しても、ソフトウェアにカメラからの画像を投影開始した際には一度フォーカスを合わせます。これは正常な動作です。対象物の位置などが変わってピントがずれた場合、再度本体のボタンを押してフォーカスを合わせてください。

Make sure you are on Google Chrome browser to install the Chrome extension IdeaoCam.

You can download IdeaoCam from our webpage IdeaoCam, or go to the Chrome Web Store and search “IdeaoCam”, or simply click the link here . Click “Add to chrome” to install.

To use IdeaoCam and share the image from Ideao DC400 in a video call:

  1. Connect Ideao DC400 to your computer.
  2. Open IdeaoCam.
  3. In the video call, click “Share desktop” or “Present” your desktop, and show the IdeaoCam browser tab. The term may vary depending on the software you use, such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Webex).


AC アダプターと電源コードをしっかりと接続し、製品のDC IN にAC アダプターを接続、電源コードをコンセントにしっかりと接続してください。
USB Type Cケーブルのみの接続で映像入力、音声入力、タッチコントロール、電源供給(DisplayPort 1.2 over Alt モード最大65W)、USB Hub 機能へのアクセスを行うことができます。
HDMIやD-Sub15ピン、DVIケーブル経由での接続の場合、タッチコントロールやUSBハブ機能を使用する場合、付属のUSB Type A-Bを使ってパソコンとIdeao Hubを接続する必要があります。


Ideao HubはVesaに対応しているので、市販の壁掛けブラケットやスタンドに取り付けることも可能です。




– ご使用のペンがMicrosoft Pen Protocol (MPP)に対応しているか確認してください。

– ご使用のペンが十分に充電されているかご確認ください。


– 映像を投影するためのケーブルがIdeao Hub本体およびパソコンにしっかりと接続されているか確認してください。

– Ideao Hubで投影したい信号源が選択されているか確認してください。画面右上で2本の指をスワイプするとOSDが表示されます。OSDから信号源を手動で切り替えることが可能です。

– ケーブルを変更して投影できるか確認してください。

– パソコンの音声設定で出力先がIdeao Hubになっていることを確認してください。

– Ideao Hubの音量設定を確認してください。画面右上で2本の指をスワイプするとOSDが表示されます。OSDから現在の音量の確認と、音量の変更を行うことができます。

– DVIやD-Sub 15ピンケーブルで接続している場合、音声をIdeao Hubから出力するためには別途オーディオケーブルの接続が必要となります。

– HDMIやD-Sub 15ピンなどUSB Type Cケーブル以外でパソコンと接続した場合、タッチコントロールを行うためには、別途付属のUSB Type A-Bを使ってパソコンとIdeao Hubを接続する必要があります。




ディスプレイ設定でIdeao Hubをメインディスプレイに設定してください。


1. スタートメニューをクリックして、「コントロールパネル」と入力し、クリックします。

2. コントロールパネルのメニューから「ハードウェアとサウンド」をクリックします。

3. 「ハードウェアとサウンド」から「タブレットPC設定」をクリックします。

4. 「セットアップ」をクリックし、「タッチ入力」を選択します。

5. 下記のメッセージが画面上に順に現れます。Ideao Hubなどのタッチスクリーン上に表示されたときには画面をタップしてください。タッチスクリーン以外の画面上に現れた時にはキーボードで「Enter」ボタンを押してください。

6. すべてのプロセスが完了すると自動的にセットアップが終了します。

7. パソコンを再起動してタッチコントロールが正常に行えるか確認してください。

Ideao Hubを回転させた場合、パソコンの画面は手動で回転させる必要があります。
例えばWindows 10の場合

1. デスクトップの右クリックメニューから「ディスプレイ設定(D)」を選択します。

2. 回転させるモニターを選択します。

3.「向き」メニューからモニターの方向を選択します。※ このメニューが無い場合、画面の回転はできません。

4. 向きを選択したら「適用する」をクリックします。

Reactiv SUITE

Getting Started

You can download Reactiv SUITE Free Trial here and start using the complete product for 30 days.
After installation, click the FREE TRIAL button and a valid license key will be emailed to you.  Activate the software by entering the license key and change the way that you present information to your team!

Our core belief is that hardware should never hold back the user experience. Our users expect seamless performance and fluid user interface, regardless of the complexity of the workflow.  Take a look at the rBoard certified partners that will give you the best value in hardware.
For the best experience we require:

  • Windows 10
  • Intel i7
  • 16GB RAM
  • Strong GPU
  • High-Performance touch screen with stylus and writing capability

Reactiv SUITE allows you to open, work and present with many file natively- Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, JPEG, GIF, MPEG4, and so on.

  • All pictures* (JPG, BMP, PNG, JIFF, etc.)
  • All movies (MP4, AVI, MPEG, etc.)
  • Microsoft Office files** (DOCX, PPTX, XLSX)
  • PDF
  • Weblinks

*Required codecs must be installed.
**Microsoft Office must be installed.


Reactiv STAGE | Re-Imagining Presentations

Elevate your presentations and become a storyteller. Imagine a ‘Digital Table’ on which you can present any combination of content – like pictures, decks, documents, videos, websites – in order to weave your story.

Content can be displayed, organized, manipulated and annotated easily and independently of its file format.

Dramatically improves the speed and the accuracy of capturing audience feedback and meeting results.

Whether you are giving a lecture, training a team, pitching a product to your clients, Reactiv STAGE will get your message through.

  • Focus Attention
  • Present
  • Markup & Archive
  • Discuss
  • Easily Compare


Reactiv SCRIBBLE | Re-imagining Ideation

Convert your passive audiences into active participants and contributors who can ideate on an infinite canvas. Imagine a ‘Digital Wall’ on which all participants can have their voice, ideas and opinions captured.

Content can be ‘pinned’ where pages can be ripped out, arranged and inked upon.

At the end of the meeting, organize and paginate your work and share effortlessly with everyone.

Simplifies complex ideas, visually communicates concepts and intent, and allows teams to capture decisions and reduce mistakes.

Whether you are teaching a class, creating a marketing campaign or involved in a detailed engineering design session, Reactiv SCRIBBLE will allow your ideas to be presented.

  • Brainstorm, Sketch and Draw
  • Create Layout
  • Manage Projects
  • Infinity Canvas
  • Export & Share Layouts


Reactiv HUDDLE | Re-imagining Collaboration

Allow your employees, partners and customers to simultaneously collaborate and participate as if they were sitting across the table in a ‘Digital Room’ – regardless of their location.

Not only share video and audio, but every participant can seamlessly interact – share files, ink and manipulate content.

Dramatically increases engagement as everyone can be a presenter – leveraging the capabilities and the benefits of Reactiv STAGE and Reactiv SCRIBBLE.

  • Integrated video conferencing
  • Full bi-directional user interaction
  • Transfer files and data seamlessly – no need for attachments
  • Anyone can present

Reactiv SUITE is revolutionizing the way professionals express their ideas, while allowing passive audiences to become active participants and interact as a team. This transforms everyday meetings resulting in greater engagement and productivity.


Reactiv STAGE | Re-Imagining Presentations

Elevate your presentations and become a storyteller. Imagine a ‘Digital Table’ on which you can present any combination of content – like pictures, decks, documents, videos, websites – in order to weave your story.

Content can be displayed, organized, manipulated and annotated easily and independently of its file format.

Dramatically improves the speed and the accuracy of capturing audience feedback and meeting results.

Whether you are giving a lecture, training a team, pitching a product to your clients, Reactiv STAGE will get your message through.

  • Focus Attention
  • Present
  • Markup & Archive
  • Discuss
  • Easily Compare


Reactiv SCRIBBLE | Re-imagining Ideation

Convert your passive audiences into active participants and contributors who can ideate on an infinite canvas. Imagine a ‘Digital Wall’ on which all participants can have their voice, ideas and opinions captured.

Content can be ‘pinned’ where pages can be ripped out, arranged and inked upon.

At the end of the meeting, organize and paginate your work and share effortlessly with everyone.

Simplifies complex ideas, visually communicates concepts and intent, and allows teams to capture decisions and reduce mistakes.

Whether you are teaching a class, creating a marketing campaign or involved in a detailed engineering design session, Reactiv SCRIBBLE will allow your ideas to be presented.

  • Brainstorm, Sketch and Draw
  • Create Layout
  • Manage Projects
  • Infinity Canvas
  • Export & Share Layouts


Reactiv HUDDLE | Re-imagining Collaboration

Allow your employees, partners and customers to simultaneously collaborate and participate as if they were sitting across the table in a ‘Digital Room’ – regardless of their location.

Not only share video and audio, but every participant can seamlessly interact – share files, ink and manipulate content.

Dramatically increases engagement as everyone can be a presenter – leveraging the capabilities and the benefits of Reactiv STAGE and Reactiv SCRIBBLE.

  • Integrated video conferencing
  • Full bi-directional user interaction
  • Transfer files and data seamlessly – no need for attachments
  • Anyone can present

Installation Issues

If Reactiv SUITE crashes on Startup and fails to show a crash report, perform the following steps:

  • Open Event Viewer in Windows

  • Go to Windows Logs > Application. Look for the Error where the source is Application Error. The latest crash entry will be on the top

Based on the content of these details we can determine the next course of action.

NOTE: Ensure that you have an updated version of Microsoft Office. Outdated versions may result in errors during startup.

Check to see if you are using the new Intel i10 Ice Lake or i11 Tiger Lake CPU. The new Intel CPU chips have an issue and will cause Reactiv SUITE to crash. A temporary workaround is listed below so you can continue to use Reactiv SUITE:

  • Open “File Explorer” (Win+E), right-click on “This PC”, and select “Properties”

  • Select “Advanced System Settings”

  • Select “Environment Variables” in the “Advanced” tab

  • Select “New…” under “System variables”

  • Input the text below and select “OK”

Variable name: OPENSSL_ia32cap

Variable value: ~0x200000200000000

  • Confirm that the variable has been added successfully, then select “OK”

  • Start Reactiv SUITE

License Management

If you didn’t already purchase a key from one of our partners, simply fill the Free trial form when you launch Reactiv SUITE, and you will receive your Trial License Key by email.

  • Check your Junk Email folder
  • Wait a few minutes and refresh your email
  • If you still don’t receive it, you can contact us
  • Go to Settings
  • In Product License, activate by entering your activation code
  • Go to settings
  • In Product License, enter your license
  • Click on Deactivate
  • If you bought your license from one of our partners, contact their customer support
  • If not possible, contact our customer support

Once a license is deactivated, you can use the same key and activate it again on another PC.



Configuring Reactiv SUITE

  • Connect up to 3 additional displays to the Reactiv SUITE PC
  • In Reactiv SUITE settings > Device Manager > Display Layout, configure the position of your secondary displays. Just select the available display and drop it into the position on the layout for Reactiv SUITE to take control. The location of the display represents the ‘throw’ direction of the content. Just throw content right, left or up, and the content will appear on the appropriate display as per the layout map
  • Verify Windows recognizes the secondary display. In Windows, right-click on your desktop, select “displays settings”, and confirm that the secondary display is detected
  • If the secondary display is not detected by Windows, try to disconnect and reconnect the display, or change the cables

If your keyboard relies on a “Bluetooth USB dongle”, the IWB might block the Bluetooth signal, if possible, try to put the USB dongle on an available USB port on the side of the IWB instead of a behind the IWB.

  • If your IWB has a ShadowSense touch screen
    • Make sure that you are using the pen and eraser that was originally delivered
    • Go in settings > devices manager > Touch Screen:
      • Make sure your touch profile is set to “IWB”
      • Make sure that the ShadowSense Firmware is R11.0 or higher, otherwise, update the firmware by clicking on “firmware update” and following the instructions
      • In the Touch screen settings, if you see multiple choice for the Stylus (that option is only available for some specific IWB), select the one you are using
  • Reactiv SUITE requires Microsoft Office to be installed and activated on the computer running the software in order to open documents such as Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.

    Ensure that you are not running a 30-day free trial and your license is valid and not expired.

    • In Windows, open any Office app (Excel, PowerPoint, Word…)
    • Go “Files” > “account” > and verify that the product is activated

    • If the account is not activated, you will need to contact your IT department to activate it or to purchase a new license

Reactiv SUITE IWB is by default configured to be in full screen “Kiosk Mode” by your IT department.

Otherwise, go in Settings > User Interface > Additional Settings and click on toggle “Fullscreen mode”.

In Reactiv SUITE Settings > User Interface > Accent Color.

Yes, in the Settings > User Interface > Background Media.

No, but we are working on additional options to choose from which will be available soon.

Move any image into the presentation folder, and rename it “folder.jpg” – that picture will become the presentation thumbnail.

Any sub-folder, inside the presentation, can also be customized by placing a “folder.jpg” file within it.

Move any picture into the presentation folder and rename it “background.jpg”, that picture will become the presentation background in STAGE.

Any sub-folder, inside the presentation, can also be customized by placing a “background.jpg” file within it.

Go in Settings > System > Browser Settings to add or remove Quick Launch shortcuts. To change the shortcut Icon, click on the icon and locate on your PC the new icon you would like to replace it with.

General Navigation

  • On the Home screen, select Reactiv STAGE or Reactiv SCRIBBLE
  • From the Lobby (Public or Private Workspaces), you can start a presentation just by clicking on any of the icons
  • On the Home screen, select Reactiv STAGE or Reactiv SCRIBBLE
  • From the Lobby (Public or Private Workspaces), you can add new workspaces by clicking on the ‘+’ icon


    • In Details:
      • Enter a title and a description
      • Add a folder with the desired files to use in the Workspace by clicking on the Folder button
    • In Media:
      • Add images as the preview and background media by clicking on +
    • Click on Save. Select your Workspace on the Lobby screen and start presenting
  • On the home screen, click on the help button, ‘?’ to see mini video-tutorials explaining the basic gestures and features
  • In a presentation, click on the interrogation mark in the bottom right corner to see mini video-tutorials
  • For more information on basic tools, refer to the Getting Started Guide
  • Use your USB key to automatically start a project
  • Prepare your files in a USB flash drive
  • Plug your USB flash drive into the Interactive Whiteboard
  • Ensure that USB drive is enabled in SETTINGS
  • Start Reactiv STAGE or SCRIBBLE and go to the lobby
  • Click on the USB Project icon to start presenting
  • Now, all changes will be saved back into the same USB folder
  • Before your presentation/at your desk:

    • Open your presentation folder
    • If you are using Chrome, navigate to the webpage you would like to use in Reactiv SUITE, select the address in the address bar, click and drag it into your presentation folder, and create a URL file (shortcut to a webpage)
    • If you are using another browser, in your presentation folder: Right-click > New > Shortcut > past your webpage address > next > name your shortcut and click finish

    In Reactiv SUITE/during your presentation:

    • Click on the browser icon
    • Navigate to the webpage you would like to work on
    • Click on the “add to presentation” button located on the browser floating toolbar
    • The webpage will now be in your presentation folder so you can open it in STAGE and SCRIBBLE

Everything you present and save, during a session, will be saved back to the exact same folder as the originating file. On-premises or off-premises storage, Local drive, USB flash drive, network drive, or Cloud, data will only be saved to the location of your choice.


Reactiv LAUNCHER creates a seamless user experience for all Reactiv ecosystem applications. It curates the user experience, allows IT to configure the software and controls access to desktop and operating system.

Designed specifically for public space users such as boardrooms and workshare spaces where multiple users can log in and access their individual workspaces.

  • Today you can use any video conferencing tool on top of Reactiv and share your screen
  • We are working on integrating the main video conferencing tools directly into Reactiv SUITE to facilitate your workflow
  • Reactiv HUDDLE, once launched, will outperform these Video Conferencing tool in collaboration features and capabilities

No, Reactiv SUITE is a curated environment that is designed from the ground up to make your meetings more productive. All the applications that are required for your meetings are already integrated into the framework.


Reactiv SUITE can leverage existing domain authentication such that any individual in the organization can log in, navigate the network, and access their private data using their login privileges.

  • The IT department needs to set the IWB on the domain (with the help of the Guide for IT) and specify which folders users will be able to access once logged in
  • Once authentication set, any users can open their own session and access their private workspace using the “user sign-in” button on the home screen, or directly in the “private workspace” tab

Yes, if your Interactive White Board has a Motion Sensor. Enable/disable Motion Sensors to track activity in the boardroom, change the Timer to anywhere between 5mins-1hour, and control power actions such as Locking the Session or Managing the Projector. To active this feature:

  • Go to Setting
  • Device Manager
  • Motion Sensor Settings

Yes. First, set an Admin Password to lock the system settings by clicking on Admin Sign In.

  • Type in the password once and confirm it a second time
  • To change the password, type and confirm a new password and click on “Apply”

Once a password set, you can curate and filter the drives/folders public or private users can access, following the  Guide for IT section 3.3.

Reactiv STAGE is a powerful non-linear storytelling tool that enables teams to shift focus from managing content to the narrative of a presentation. STAGE allows you to open, render, markup, and present content in any format that you routinely use. Dramatically improves the speed and accuracy of capturing audience feedback and meeting results.

STAGE allows teams to embed “native ink” into many different types of documents like Word or PowerPoint.

Native Inking saves your annotation “inside” the document, as a layer that can be edited and erased from inside Microsoft Office tools. Traditional tools save annotations as a non-editable PDF or “picture”, which can be reviewed but not easily edited.

No, saving a file will automatically create a copy, with your embedded annotations, and a time/date stamp will be appended to the filename so you can easily distinguish it later.

  • Ink on videos will be saved as a screenshot with the frame number\timestamp
  • Ink on documents/images will be saved in their original file format
  • Ink on a web page will be saved as a screenshot
  • Inked files are saved back into the same folder as the original file

At any time, click the “arrange” button at the bottom right corner of your screen to automatically arrange every object on the screen.

To clean your presentation screen, click the “remove all” button at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Reactiv STAGE allow users to mirror a document or the entire workspace into up to 3 secondary displays:

  • To mirror a document or a device, throw it in the direction of the secondary display you want it to be mirrored in

To mirror the entire workspace, click and hold the background, then throw it in the direction of the secondary screen.

  • Throw the same document again, in the same direction, to remove it from the secondary display
  • Or throw a new document in the same direction to replace the first one

You can save documents, with your annotations, by clicking on the save button, located on the STAGE toolbar. Just click on any content and the toolbar will appear.

Reactiv STAGE will save files back into their original file format. Video screenshots, web screenshots will be saved as an image format.  Microsoft Office and PDF documents will be saved in their original format with ink embedded inside them in an editable format.

Reactive SCRIBBLE saves the canvas using a proprietary file format. But, content can be paginated and exported to a PDF.

Reactiv SCRIBBLE is a breakthrough brainstorming and layout tool, that uses an infinite canvas, allowing you to sketch, write ideas, mark up pages and create dynamic layouts that accurately represent your vision.

SCRIBBLE simplifies complex ideas, visually communicates vision and intent and allows your team to capture decisions and reduce mistakes.

  • Use the pagination tool to create page breaks from any part of the canvas that you would like to share. Then simply export these pages breaks into a PDF
  • Once the PDF created, it will be in your presentation folder so you can share it easily

Once a page break is defined, you must click “create page” button again.  Every time you want to add a new page, this button must be clicked again.

When using the smart feature, the insert path must cover the entire height/width of the objects/inking that you want to move, in order to select them.  When selected properly, the content will be highlighted.

Using the Lasso tool, you can move and resize content on your canvas.

Double click on the canvas to activate the smart insert tool, and create a closed path to select everything inside the loop. Once the loop is closed, you can move the content around the canvas and resize it to re-organize the layout as you wish.

Reactiv SCRIBBLE allows users to mirror a paginated area, or the entire workspace into up to 3 secondary displays:

    • To mirror a page, click & hold and throw it in the direction of the secondary display you want it to be mirrored in
    • To mirror the entire workspace, click and hold the canvas, then throw it in the direction of the secondary screen

Reactiv SCRIBBLE is all about layout.  It will allow you to mirror a specific layout defined by a page break.  You cannot mirror just a single document – if you want to mirror a document, do that in STAGE.

To mirror the entire workspace, click and hold the background, then throw it in the direction of the secondary screen.

  • Throw the same page again, in the same direction, to remove it from the secondary display
  • Or throw a new document in the same direction to replace the first one
  • Make sure that you are throwing in the right direction. You need to throw the content in a specific direction as each direction (left/right/up) are different displays
  • Check Reactiv SUITE settings and make sure that the secondary displays are correctly configured
  • Make sure that the object you are throwing is properly hitting the border of the screen and bounces back into position. If the object doesn’t properly hit the border of the screen it will not mirror


      • Will auto-save your progress after every modification. You don’t have to worry about saving during your session, just focus on your work
      • You can also paginate your canvas into individual pages, and export to PDF


Integrated services that seamlessly connect in-room devices into the Reactiv SUITE eco-system.

Remote CONNECT allows colleagues and attendees to interact with the Interactive White Board using their personal devices. They can share files with Reactiv SUITE, cast their device’s screen into it, or use their devices as keyboards for the IWB.

In-room compatible devices such as laptops, mobiles and tablets can be cast to Reactiv SUITE using build-in Airplay and Miracast capabilities.

  • Which devices can I cast from?
    Airplay: You can cast from iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, MacBook, iMac, Mac mini, etc.
    Miracast: You can cast from certain Android devices (Samsung and other phone/tablet which support Miracast) or Windows 10 PCs (using in-built Miracast capabilities).
    Chromecast: You can cast from various Google Chromebooks and other Android devices that support Chromecast.
  • In Reactiv SUITE

Ensure that Airplay, Miracast and/or Chromecast are enabled in Reactiv SUITE settings. Once a device is paired, it will appear in STAGE and SCRIBBLE in the library, under the “Devices” tab.

  • On your device

Open the appropriate casting application on your device.  Search for the Device Name in the list and connect to it.  The Device Name is displayed in the top right-hand corner of Reactiv SUITE status bar.

Yes, Reactiv SUITE supports off-the-shelf video capture cards and USB video capture devices which convert HDMI\DP video inputs into a USB stream.  These devices can be configured for use using the SETTINGS -> Device Manager -> AV Settings menu inside Reactiv SUITE.  Using this menu, you can create an A/V source by combining video and audio inputs together into one stream.

There is no limit to the number of web cameras and A/V sources that can be managed by Reactiv SUITE.

Reactiv SUITE will process as many video capture devices as detected by the Operating System.  It should be noted that the performance of the system is dependant on the system capabilities of the Reactiv SUITE PC.  USB bus bandwidth, memory bandwidth and the ability for the CPU to process these streams will be the limiting factor.

Reactiv SUITE will detect all video input sources that are detected by the Windows OS. Check Device Manager to confirm that the device you are looking for is present.  If not, re-install the device and confirm that Windows is able to detect it.

This can happen when Windows, or the installed anti-virus software on the computer, blocks access to the camera for certain desktop programs. To fix this, open Camera Privacy Settings and verify that the desktop apps have access to your camera.

Next if Anti-Virus programs (like Kaspersky) are installed, ensure that the Camera input to Reactiv SUITE application is enabled from the Kaspersky Application Control.

Kaspersky blocks both settings Access to webcam and Access to audio capturing devices for Reactiv SUITE.

Team members present in the room can wirelessly send any file to Reactiv SUITE by opening the URL displayed in the top left-hand corner of the Reactiv status bar, using any browser on their personal device.  Follow the instructions on the browser to upload files directly into the active digital workspace.

For more information, refer to the Getting Started Guide – Remote Services.

Reactiv enables you to discreetly share text or complex weblinks from your remote device into the Reactiv Workspace.  Just open the URL displayed in the top left corner of the Reactiv status bar on any in-room personal device.  Follow the instruction to send text or URL links directly into Reactiv SUITE apps or the browser.

For more information, refer to the Advanced User Manual – Remote Keyboard (Link to file for download).

Using in-room devices as keyboard for the IWB is a feature only available for IWB using ShadowSense touchscreen technology, as Reactiv SUITE leverage specific internal connections only available with IWB powered by ShadowSense

  • Open Reactiv SUITE settings > Device Manager > Touch Screen, if “ShadowSense not detected is displayed, then Remote Keyboard feature won’t work
  • If the IWB is powered by ShadowSense, make sure that the ShadowSense Firmware is R11.0 or higher.
  • If the Firmware is bellow r11.0, update it to the latest available firmware by clicking on “firmware update” and following the instructions

Reactiv CONNECT- Airplay

Yes, Airplay requires both the personal, in-room device and the Reactiv SUITE host PC to be on the same network for screen sharing to work.

  • On iOS, open the control center and click on “Screen Mirroring”
  • On macOS, click on the Airplay icon in the menu bar


  • On macOS, verify that Airplay is enabled in System preference Displays “Show mirroring option in the menu bar”
  • On iOS, verify that the OS is up to date
  • Verify that your iPhone/iPad and the Reactiv SUITE device are on the same network
  • Verify in Reactiv SUITE settings that Airplay is enabled
  • On macOS, verify that incoming connections are not blocked
  • Go to “System Preferences” > ”Security and Privacy”->Firewall > ”Firewall Options”, deselect “Block All incoming Connections”, and select “Automatically allow downloaded signed software to receive incoming connections” if it’s not already selected
  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, confirm that the Wi-Fi\Network connection is configured as a PRIVATE network. The PC must be discoverable for Airplay to work
  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, confirm that the firewall is configured to accept incoming connections
  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, confirm that the WiFi/Network connection is configured as a PRIVATE network. The PC must be discoverable in order for Airplay to work

  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, confirm that the firewall is configured to accept incoming connections

Please check the DNS setting (in network settings) of the PC running Reactiv SUITE. You can try using alternative DNS like Google’s free DNS and

Reactiv SUITE Airplay connectivity supports playback of videos using H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec. If the videos use any other format, they might not work.

If you are using a WiFi connection, the WiFi signal might be weak, or your network might be overloaded.

  • Ensure a good signal between Reactiv SUITE host PC and the in-room device attempting to cast
  • If possible, use a wired Ethernet cable instead of WiFi to connect the Reactiv SUITE host and macOS device to the network
  • In some cases, switching off Bluetooth on in-room iOS devices can help to get a better connection

Once the screen is cast, the volume is controlled through Reactiv SUITE and not the in-room device.

  • Reboot the PC running Reactiv and reboot the user’s personal devices and try again
  • Refer to the IT Manual to ensure that the network configuration, ports and settings are configured correctly. Download IT Manual
  • Confirm that your network supports mDNS protocol as this protocol cannot be blocked for Airplay to work correctly
  • Install an off-the-shelf AppleTV device on your existing network and confirm that it works. If an off-the-shelf device works, Reactiv SUITE will also work

Reactiv CONNECT- Miracast (Windows & Android Devices)

No, Miracast utilizes WiDi which doesn’t require the casting and receiving devices to be on the same network. As a result, any device in the room that supports Miracast will see the Reactiv SUITE Miracast server and can connect directly.

  • On a Windows 10 device, click on the CONNECT icon and search for the Reactiv SUITE Device Name.  Select this device and pick the projection mode

  • On many Android and Samsung devices, in the Quick Settings menu open the Smart View app. Search for the Reactiv SUITE device name and follow instructions
  • Not using a Samsung smartphone? See our detailed guide:
  • Make sure that Reactiv SUITE PC has a valid WiFi adapter and it is turned on. Miracast requires WiFi connectivity with WiDi support.  Airplane Mode must not be turned on
  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, go to “Projection Settings” and “Some Windows and Android devices can project to this PC when it is OK”, should be set to “Always Off” from the dropdown menu
  • Confirm that the OS and WiDi adapter support Miracast
    • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, type ‘dxdiag’ in the Windows search box
    • Click ‘Save All Information’ and save the resulting file
    • Open this DxDiag.txt file and confirm that Miracast is available
  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, confirm that the WiFi\Network connection is configured as a PRIVATE network. The PC must be discoverable in order for Miracast to work
  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, confirm that the firewall is configured to accept incoming connections

Refer to the IT Manual to ensure that the network configuration, ports and settings are properly configured. Download IT Manual

  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, configure ports:
    • “Windows Defender Firewall” > “Advanced settings” > “Inbound Rules” > “New Rules”. Select “Port”,
    • Click Next
    • Now select “TCP” and “Specific Port numbers” set it to 7236
    • Click Next and select “Allow the Connection”
    • Click Next and select all 3 boxes “Domain”, Public” and “Private”. Click Next, give a name to the new rule

If Miracast still doesn’t work, try the Windows native Miracast app provided by Microsoft. Type ‘Connect’ in the search box.

Confirm if this app is able to connect to your mobile device. If this app also does not work, then the PC does not support Miracast.


Reactiv CONNECT- Chromecast (ChromeBooks & Android Devices)

Yes, Chromecast requires both the personal, in-room device and the Reactiv SUITE host PC to be on the same network for screen sharing to work.

  • Make sure your mobile phone or tablet is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast device
  • Open the Google Home app 
  • Tap the device you want to cast your screen to
  • Tap Cast my screen   > Cast screen

Reactiv CONNECT- FileDrop

  • Make sure that both your in-room device and your Reactiv SUITE PC are on the same network
  • On the Reactiv SUITE PC, confirm that the WiFi/Network connection is configured as a PRIVATE network. Reactiv SUITE PC IP must be discoverable

  • On the Reactiv PC, open a browser and type: “Localhost\Reactiv” in the search bar to confirm that the Reactiv Webserver is working

  • On the Reactiv PC, Reactiv webserver rely on port 80, and while it is normally open by default, you can create a new firewall rule to open it:
    • “Windows Defender Firewall” > “Advanced settings” > “Inbound Rules” > “New Rules”. Select “Port”,
    • click Next
    • Now select “TCP” and “Specific Port numbers” set it to 80
    • Click Next and select “Allow the Connection”
    • Click Next and select all 3 boxes “Domain”, Public” and “Private”. Click Next, give a name to the new rule
  • From a Windows device on the same network: Ping the Reactiv Webserver IP address to see if it is reachable:
    • In windows, open Command Prompt by hitting Windows+R and typing “cmd” in the run bar, then hit enter
    • In Command Prompt, type “ping reactiv_ip_address”

  • Reactiv SUITE creates a webserver on the PC in order for in-room devices to connect and transfer information.  But the Reactiv SUITE PC could have multiple IP addresses due to multiple network adapters.  An example is connecting WiFi and LAN cable to the PC, which will create two IP addresses for the same PC.

    If the IP address displayed in the status bar is incorrect, you can use the Settings > System > Remote Connect > Text/File Sharing menu to pick the correct IP address.
